Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by atomicnumber26
After a fabulous photoshoot, I still needed a variety for the photo sheet "headshot". The only variety I can make with babies is maybe put some with maybe hats on. They don't yet yet walk, so very few poses are needed.

Anyhoo, with the kids, clothes and toys in tow, we headed down to the pool area- set the kids down and bossed everything around me as the precious sunlight was disappearing. Yes, I looked like a fool trying to get their attention- clapping my hands and playing peek-a-boo using the Daddy (the one actually taking the photos) as my wall. Anything to get them to smile.

A family's Chihuahua kept running around trying to play with the babies as what looked like a 5 year old girl kept chasing the dog in circles, right in our shot. Then out of nowhere a little toddler in a pool-soaked diaper felt like running around us. Ahhhh! The scene was cute enough to not get mad at the situation... but the precious sun light was leaving us.

As my husband saw a side of me he didn't know exist, I kept making the silly noises and even though it might have been their dinner time, I wouldn't doubt that I freak out the family playing in the pool. One by one they slowly (and swiftly) grabbed their belongings and left.

All this to say, that we were able to take a few photos, add variety (to our already existing AMAZING photos) and post them up online. There were a few problems with sites I chose, but that I am a member of almost every photo uploading service- I'm done. Waiting on the agent to let me know what they like.

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