Friday, September 5, 2008

Photos again por favor

My agent emailed me again, not entirely sure if it was directed toward several people, or just us, but she wants more pictures nonetheless. I've been lackadaisical with photo updates. Summer weather really only permits for the naked look- not the kind of professional attire one would show off in a headshot. So a week after I get the email, I decided to get off my butt and haul the boys to our little photo location and snap a few photos before they pooped out.

All I need now is a few more good shots with a couple different outfits and we'll have our update complete. I must stop this habit of procrastinating, every week I should have a good handful of shots for the agency to flip through. The system that's set up is really quite great. They love Shutterfly and ask that we just share the photo album so they can pick and choose what they like. They have a feature where you can share your photos on a website, so I'm trying that out to see if it's convenient for both parties. I LOVE the internet. Makes life quite SPLEDID when working with an agency two hours away.

So, no jobs yet. I HOPE the lull of summer picks up and calls come through... As of now, the boys are being marketed as identical twins but I highly doubt we can keep that up for long. I predict we'll be having separate headshots for each of them soon. Fine by me. :-)

From all of us, thanks for checking in.

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