Saturday, September 20, 2008

First Audition Call

Got the call Friday evening!  We have an audition for a Proctor and Gamble marketing campaign.  Our first call came at a time where I was beginning to question how many roles our Agent was submitting for us.  I know its not a guaranteed job, but having a prospect, something to hope for, is one of the most encouraging news we've encountered for a long time.

Today is our first audition.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the boys react the environment. 

Murphy's Law has a way of finding me on the most inopportune moments.  I'm waiting until the last moment to find a way to print up the headshots.  Ideally, this should have been done already- but there have been so many setbacks: computer's shutting down, retrieving photos, finding software that will create the headshots I need.  Of course, the timing is is perfect, they both have a cold.  I'll be heading out to Target to pick up some teething tablets and tylenol to keep them comfortable- hopefully I can print up a few copies of the headshots while I'm there.  

Right now, I have to find a way to save the picture to a CD or flashdrive. 

Somehow, by 2:00 pm, I should be en route to the audition with headshots and two happy kids in the backseat.  Am I stressed or what.

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